
Are Those Beauty Products Really Helping You?


You know that old saying “less is more”? Have you ever wondered how true that is when it comes to your beauty products and makeup? It can be hard to keep up with what’s “in” right now, and even more difficult to know if the new recommended product is to add to your beauty routine, or to replace something from it.


Are Those Beauty Products Really Helping You?


You know that old saying “less is more”? Have you ever wondered how true that is when it comes to your beauty products and makeup? It can be hard to keep up with what’s “in” right now, and even more difficult to know if the new recommended product is to add to your beauty routine, or to replace something from it.

Well, we also have beauty and makeup influencers telling us how we should be doing our makeup and what we should be avoiding, which can be really helpful when they provide a diverse range of advice for different skin types and tones, face shapes and hair/eye colours, but sometimes confusing when they mention a new product that you didn’t know you should be using.

I suppose we all know eventually, after plenty of trial and error, what works best for our own faces, for example people with sensitive skin would more than likely go minimal in terms of skin products but may go for maximum effect on their eyelashes. The aim is always going to be looking like our best selves while feeling like ourselves too. There is no point in adding in a new makeup item if you aren’t going to benefit from it or feel confident wearing it.

So, lets see how we can decide if less really is more, if those products are really necessary, or if sometimes we shouldn’t deprive ourselves of a good thing!

Do you need Moisturiser?

Depending on who you ask, moisturiser is either a necessity or a pointless marketing ploy to get you to part with your money. Many dermatologists say that moisturising your face is something you should do every day, while others say it can be detrimental to apply it to your skin every day and that the skin eventually gets used to being given moisture and stops producing its own.

But the majority say that moisturiser is essential in some form, but not to overdo it with too many ingredients and products that could be drying or actually rid the skin of its own nutrients. What the skin needs is SPF, and unfortunately it is hard to come by a highly protective sun cream that doesn’t leave residue or oil on the skin. It can become near impossible to wear makeup and SPF lotions at the same time, so moisturisers with SPF were invented. If you use these, be sure to check that the SPF is high and when you wear it, apply it evenly for full coverage.

As far as moisturiser goes though, using the right one for your skin is important. If you have dry skin you need something that is going to target those areas but without becoming too dependent on it and always switching it up for something lighter as your skin improves.

Wearing moisturiser at night is another debatable topic. While the skin has a chance to repair itself and stay clean and clear at night, for some people this is where the problems start, especially depending on the climate or environment. If it is especially dry, your skin might need that bit of help to stay hydrated, but make sure you cleanse regularly to avoid unnecessary breakouts.

The verdict? Moisturiser in the right context and with non-dependant use should definitely help your skin and is a great addition to your beauty routine.

Do you need Anti-Aging Creams?

Similar to moisturiser, many dermatologists agree that anti-aging creams are just adding too much to the mix and many of them may not even work. But there are so many of them available, there must be some rhyme and reason to it, otherwise it wouldn’t be a such a money-making industry. The thing with anti-aging creams is they are also targeted at certain demographics, so by the time you think you need to use them the damage has already been done.

The best way to fix wrinkles is to prevent them in the first place, and although all skin is susceptible to aging, we are in control of how fast this happens by what we do and the way we look after it. For example, spending too much time in the sun without any protection against it can cause premature aging in the skin and permanent lines that can be hard to get rid of once they are there. Or even bad cleansing routines especially with heavy makeup wearing can affect the skin as it needs a chance to breathe and feel refreshed from dead cells that cause blemishes or outbreaks under the skin.

The problem with anti-aging creams is again we can become reliant on them which leads to excessive and unnecessary use, when actually all we need to do is check for ingredients that actually help with fine lines and wrinkles instead of fancy packaging or marketing. Peptides, vitamins and antioxidant extracts with the ability to firm the skin are important, but they don’t work miracles, they can however, plump up the outer skin layers to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but will never fully make them disappear.

The verdict? Anti-aging creams are best used as a preventative measure as part of your moisturising routine with SPF and added protection against the elements. It is not really necessary to use it with a moisturiser as it should already have hydrating qualities.

Do you need Primer?

Many beauty experts love primer and say that if you aren’t using it, you are missing out. But what is it about primer that has the beauty world talking? You may be thinking that a moisturiser is enough prep for the skin, so why add something else to the mix?

Well, primer uses different ingredients, a lot of the time something silicone-based, which helps firm and smooth out the skin creating the perfect base for makeup to sit on and fix itself to. When you’re about to spend time and effort on your makeup, you actually want it to stay put all day long, not slide off at the slightest hint of warmth, and a good primer can make this a reality.

Face primers are also evolving now to cater for so many different skin types, so depending on what yours is you can improve the effects of your skin almost instantly with the right one. Mattifying primers are great for reducing shine and oil especially when foundation tends to have that oily effect, and they can also come with colour correcting tints to aid with you concealing routine and giving your skin an even tone throughout.

Primers for eyelids are available to help stop creasing too, with a denser formula, the aim is to stop makeup from gathering in the creases and eyeshadow from slipping away and dissolving on oilier eyelids. Eye makeup is really having its day right now, so a good eye primer will save you so much hassle in the long run if you spend a long time getting yours exactly right.

The verdict? A good primer will save your skin from unwanted attacks of oil and makeup slippage when it counts the most, and not only that, but it certainly helps your makeup applications by letting you slide it onto the skin easier with even coverage all round. Use a moisturiser and a primer to get the benefits of both.

Do you need Colour Corrector?

Gone are easy days when concealer was seen as enough to cover those blemishes and dark circles, now we should be using colour corrector too? But is it really necessary to add yet another product to an already growing makeup kit if you don’t really need it? Let’s find out.

Colour corrector has been used by beauty gurus and makeup artists for a long time, but social media has really helped it take off on a commercial level. It uses colour theory on balancing out tones and hues by applying colour on the opposite side of the colour wheel to the tone on the skin. For example, blue hues under the eyes can be cancelled out with orange that is directly opposite it on the wheel and green can be used to correct excessive pink tones.

It isn’t designed to be used by itself, as it would just be a block of colour siting on the skin, but coupled with a good foundation, it can lessen the appearance of dark patches or brighter tones of pink in the skin. The tip is to not use too much of it, and to blend it rather than rub it in. By experimenting with thin layers and not too much foundation you can find the right balance for you and not have to hide behind foundation, but rather let your skin sort of shine through.

The verdict? Colour corrector is really useful, but only when used properly, there is no point in using a colour that isn’t the opposite of a tone on your skin as this will only highlight the area you are trying to even out. There isn’t much point in using normal concealer with a colour corrector as the layers will start to look bulky. Instead keep it smooth and minimal for maximum effect.

Do you need to Bake?

Baking your makeup is a relatively new concept, and while some swear by it, others haven’t even heard of it. Is it really as ridiculous as it sounds or is it the new necessary when it comes to applying makeup to your face?

Baking is the process of applying a translucent powder to the face to allow the heat from the face to set your foundation underneath. Leaving the powder in place is known as baking and it usually takes around 5-10 minutes depending on who you listen to. The idea is that when you dust the powder off, your makeup looks smooth and flawless with no creases or lines.

The thing with baking is it involves a lot (this is not an exaggeration) of concealer, foundation and powder and even more time to apply it and get it right. Sure with practice this process gets easier, as you get to know what works for your skin and what doesn’t. But is it really worth it?

A lot of makeup artists support baking as a way to remove excess oils from the skin with ease and to highlight areas of prominence like the eyes and the T-zone, making them stand out in all their smoothed out and untextured glory. But unless you’re Kim Kardashian, you may not have your own glam squad at your disposal, not to mention a ring light to follow you everywhere so you are ready for any photograph.

The Verdict? Baking is great when you have time to prep for a night out and when you really want to feel great about yourself, but as a daily exercise in putting on makeup, it is perhaps a little overkill, especially when time isn’t on your side or you just have a mundane day at the office ahead of you.

Do you know what you need?

So, it isn’t a case of just a little foundation and some mascara anymore, there are so many rules when it comes to modern makeup, but do you know what? Rules were made to be broken! So although these products may work fantastically on one person, it doesn’t mean that they will do the same for you. If your skin has been in a fantastic condition for long enough, it is important to keep that routine maintained so you always have great skin, but it won’t hurt to try something new out if you want to.

An easy way to find out what will make your face glow is to speak to a beauty consultant and let them work some magic on your skin based on their knowledge of colour theory and skin types. It may turn into an expensive affair if you end up taking their advice, but at least this way, you’ll know just what you need!