Summer Staycation Survival Guide
It’s finally here, and about time too! It feels like that cold snap of winter was never going to end, but the good news is summer is well and truly starting now so its time to pack away that winter wardrobe, dig out those sunglasses and prepare for a sizzling summertime!
How to Repair Dry Lips from Mask Wearing
Face masks have become the norm for most of us around the world now and its almost hard to imagine life without them, or a time where they weren’t really needed. As much as they offer protection from viruses and particles that can spread through the air, they can bring on some issues for those especially with sensitive skin. Even fluctuations in weather can mean that everything going on inside of your face mask can cause some kind of irritation.
6 Ways You Are Damaging Your Eyelashes
Eyelashes are very delicate, and we sometimes take them for granted which is unfortunate as when we get older and they start to appear a little more than lack-lustre and start to thin out naturally, we wish we had taken care of them and miss what we had. So, if you have started to notice your lashes are looking a little different lately, or require extra care, you need to be sure that what you are doing daily isn’t damaging them further.
3 Tips to Solve your Brow Dilemmas
So, you’ve got your face on, you’ve put together a killer outfit and are finally ready to get out there, feeling your best self, but something is bugging you – your eyebrows just aren’t playing the same game today and look a little off. It’s a story we’re all familiar with from time to time, and it can ruin a perfectly good look even if it is something others may not necessarily notice. Either you’ve gone a bit tweezer-happy, and they look a little thinner than yesterday, or they don’t look very even.