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Truth or myth? 5 "facts" about beauty

It's not easy to know what is myth or truth when it comes to health and beauty advice. But don't worry, we'll sort out some of the buzz. Let's take a look at common myths and truths.

Thea, Xlash Magazine

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Truth or myth? 5 "facts" about beauty

It's not easy to know what is myth or truth when it comes to health and beauty advice. But don't worry, we'll sort out some of the buzz. Let's take a look at common myths and truths.

Thea, Xlash Magazine

"The sun is only harmful to the skin"

That's actually not entirely true. Not protecting yourself from the sun with SPF is definitely a big no-no. We all know how UV rays can cause wrinkles, pigmentation changes, and, most importantly, increase the risk of skin cancer.

But the sun also has its health benefits! When the skin is exposed to the sun's rays, it produces vitamin D, which is important for the body to absorb calcium and maintain healthy bones. Aim to spend 15 minutes in the sun every day. And we can all agree on the positive effects sunlight has on our mental well-being - hello hot girl summer!

"You need your beauty sleep"

There is actually truth behind the worn-out phrase "I need my beauty sleep." When we sleep, our body and skin enter a recovery phase. During this time, the skin's cells repair and renew themselves, contributing to firmer and healthier-looking skin. When we don't get enough sleep, it can negatively affect the skin's elasticity and collagen production, leading to more visible signs of aging and darker under-eye circles. Thank god for Eye Gels!

"Expensive products are always better"

A lot of people believe that the price of skincare products reflects their effectiveness, but that's actually a common misconception. Often, you can find affordable alternatives that work just as well. The rule of thumb is to keep an eye on the key ingredients you're looking for. If you know what you want the product to contain, you might get lucky and find some real gems.

"Hair grows back thicker when you shave it"

A well-known myth is that hair grows faster and thicker when you shave it. The truth is that you can't influence hair growth with a razor since the thickness of your hair strands is determined deeper in the hair follicle. However, hair might appear thicker when it grows back after shaving or cutting because the hair strand has a slightly blunter tip. But since shaving only occurs on the surface of the skin, it won't affect hair growth.

"You need an extensive skincare routine"

For many, it can feel overwhelming to keep up with a routine that involves multiple steps and products. But is it really necessary to have a complex routine to achieve healthy and radiant skin? No, the important thing is to tailor your skincare routine to your specific needs. Instead, focus on choosing products that complement each other and suit your skin type - that will take you a long way. Don't miss out to check out our popular skincare products!


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