Derniers articles

Xlash & prostaglandin - did you know this?

Helena, Xlash Magazine

Did you know that research made by two Swedish scientists on prostaglandins (a substance your body naturally produce) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine in 1982?! These Swedes opened up a whole new understanding of how these molecules function.

Derniers articles

Xlash & prostaglandin - did you know this?

Helena, Xlash Magazine

Did you know that research made by two Swedish scientists on prostaglandins (a substance your body naturally produce) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine in 1982?! These Swedes opened up a whole new understanding of how these molecules function.

The substance also turned out to have an unexpected ability to lower eye pressure which is crucial for treating a serious eye disease called glaucoma, which can lead to blindness if left untreated. Thanks to their discoveries, many people could be cured from going blind.

But the research didn't stop there. It was also discovered that prostaglandin analogues (= the synthetic version) can boost eyelashes growth! The eyelash serum was born.

So, how does it work?

Prostaglandin analogues help to extend the growth phase of the lashes and brows and increase the number of hair follicles in this active growth phase. When applying the serum, prostaglandin analogues send signals to the lashes and brows to grow longer and thicker, essentially inspiring them to reach their full potential!

Just like with any other active ingredients such as retinol or Vitamin C, prostaglandin analogues can, in some cases, cause side effects if you have sensitive skin. It's recommended to use on normal skin and it's important to follow instructions for application carefully.

The concentration in our serums are low to ensure it's safe to use, and it's less than 1/10 of the level the EU is currently considering as the limit. It's also less than 1/10 of the amount that one of the world's leading eyelash serums include.

We're super excited to now offer Xlash and Xbrow with and without prostaglandin analogues - so you can choose what's best for you and your skin.

Do you have normal skin and want longer lashes and fuller brows quickly?
Choose Xlash and Xbrow Original!

Do you have sensitive skin? And do you prefer gentle ingredients where it might take a liiiiittle bit longer before you see results?
Choose Xlash and Xbrow Sensitive!

Xlash & Xbrow Sensitive

Xlash & Xbrow Original