Længere, fyldigere vipper på kun 28 dage.
Xlash PRO er en dobbelt dosis af vores ikoniske Xlash vippeserum. Den indeholder en klinisk dokumenteret kombination af biotinpeptid, grøn te og hyaluronsyre.

  • Klinisk bevist

  • Vegansk og dyrevenlig

  • Dermatologisk og oftalmologisk testet

  • Olie- og hormonfri (lash lift-venlig)

Vores olie- og hormonfri formel gør den også lash lift-venlig – designet med din livsstil i tankerne.


Det lyder for godt til at være sandt (vi ved det). Efter et årti med test og perfektionering, over 10.000 femstjernede anmeldelser og en masse kærlighed, har vi lavet et serum, der ikke kun er sikkert, men som virkelig virker. Et serum, der føles som magi, men som fungerer med hjælp af videnskab.

Natural ingredients
We use ingredients from Mother Nature
Free Shipping
We ship world wide
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Our customers say:

It works!

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"Jeg købte Xlash for præcis 2 uger siden, og det eneste jeg kan sige er WOW. Jeg har allerede resultater"
- Marta


Money Back Guarantee

Yeah, you read that right! We've spent lots of time developing our Xlash Serum & feel super confident in the results (and joy) it delivers. But if you don't experience noticeable lash growth after 6 weeks of use then we'll make sure to get you your money back. Read more


Vigtige ingredienser

Biotin Boosts keratin production for longer looking lashes.
Green tea Gentle antioxidant that calms & soothes.
Hyaluronic acid Intensely hydrates & locks in moisture.


1: Rens ansigtet og fjern øjenmakeup.

2: Påfør et tyndt lag Xlash på den øverste vippekant, ved rødderne af vipperne.

3: Brug Xlash dagligt i mindst 28 dage, gerne længere.

4: Når du har opnået lange, fyldige og sunde vipper, er det nok at bruge Xlash 2-3 gange om ugen for at bevare resultaterne.


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Produkt information



Fuld ingrediensliste

Longer, fuller looking lashes are just 28 days away. Our iconic lash serum uses a clinically proven combo of biotin peptide, green tea, and hyaluronic acid. It's 100% vegan (obvs), dermatologically tested and formulated with sensitive ingredients. Our oil and hormone free formula even makes it lash lift friendly–designed with your lifestyle in mind. Sounds too good to be true (we know). But after a decade of testing and perfecting, over 10,000 five-star reviews, and a whole lot of love, we've made a serum that's not only safe but really works. A serum that feels like magic, but works like science.

Over 12 weeks, an independent lab studied the lashes of 30 everyday heroes. 90% had noticeable results after using Xlash daily.


Longer, fuller looking lashes are just 28 days away. Our iconic lash serum uses a clinically proven combo of biotin peptide, green tea, and hyaluronic acid. It's 100% vegan (obvs), dermatologically tested and formulated with sensitive ingredients. Our oil and hormone free formula even makes it lash lift friendly–designed with your lifestyle in mind. Sounds too good to be true (we know). But after a decade of testing and perfecting, over 10,000 five-star reviews, and a whole lot of love, we've made a serum that's not only safe but really works. A serum that feels like magic, but works like science.

Over 12 weeks, an independent lab studied the lashes of 30 everyday heroes. 90% had noticeable results after using Xlash daily.


Fuld ingrediensliste

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is shipping?
Free standard shipping takes 6-10 days. There are low-cost options for fast delivery.

What’s the difference between Xlash and Xlash PRO?
Xlash and Xlash PRO have the same formula, but are packed in different sizes. Xlash contains 3 ml of eyelash serum, and Xlash PRO contains 6 ml. The difference is how long the product will last.

Can Xlash change the color of the eye?
In our safety tests where the product has been used as it is intended to be used, we have not seen any signs that it would impact the color of the eye.

Can I use Xlash on my eyebrows?
Xlash could also be used to eyebrows, but we recommend using our Xbrow Eyebrow Serum instead, which is created especially for that purpose.
The Xbrow applicator also ensures optimal application, so the eyebrow serum spreads evenly, and the results will be ideal.

Are there any known side effects from using Xlash?
In our safety tests where the product has been used as it is intended to be used, we have not confronted any side effects.


Vegansk og dyrevenlig

Vi bruger kun veganske og naturlige ingredienser i vores formel.

Skånsomme ingredienser

Vi bruger grøn te i vores serum, en mild antioxidant, der beroliger og lindrer.

Klinisk bevist

Alle vores serum er dermatologisk og oftalmologisk testet.